Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Spartan x Enya puppies at seven weeks

 Here are the Spartan x Enya kids at seven weeks...well, a day short of seven weeks but who's counting. ;)

This is the red collar girl and she will be staying here at Braebrook.....meet:

 Braebrook's Devil May Care "Carri"

Orange collar boy:

 No collar boy:

 Black collar boy:

 Pink collar girl:

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Spartan x Enya puppies at six weeks.

 Here are the very first stacked pictures of the Spartan x Enya puppies, it's actually the first time they have ever been stacked at all and they did pretty good.

Six weeks...

Pink collar girl

Black collar (formally blue string) boy

Orange collar (formally blue collar) boy

No collar boy

Red collar (formally purple collar) girl

Hope you enjoy!

Libby receives her first best puppy in group win!

 We went away over the weekend on a lovely family vacation which just happened to be centred around a dog show...strange.. ;)

 The weekend was wonderful, a much needed getaway for all of us where we were able to spend time on the beach and visiting with family while I showed dogs in between. Truly an ideal getaway.

 Libby (LegacyK LibertyReigns Braebrook) proved that she really enjoys being in the showring. She was very enthusiastic and every time we got ready to move I had to start off by telling her "eeeasy" because she wanted to GO! I love attitude like that as it's much easier to pull back an enthusiastic dog than it is to build up a mellow one.

Libby did manage to garner her first best puppy in group win, hopefully the first of many.

A girls just got to have fun!

The Spartan x Enya puppies are getting big (six weeks yesterday) and looking really good! Pics to come shortly.